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Numbness of Limb

Pathological signs should not be subjective

    What is Numbness of Limb?

    Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet is the sensation of numbness in the hands or feet caused by compressed nerves. This condition can start subtly with a tingling sensation or pins and needles in the fingertips and toes. These symptoms can progressively worsen and spread to the palm, wrist, forearm, upper arm, calf, and thigh, eventually losing sensation.

    hoi chung
    hoi chung

    Causes of numbness and tingling in the hands and feet

    Physiological causes
    Physiological causes

    Incorrect posture during activities can compress blood vessels and nerves, impeding blood circulation and causing numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Prolonged stress and fatigue can affect the nerve cells in the hands and feet, leading to numbness and tingling. Sudden weather changes can disrupt sensory perception and cause numbness and tingling.

    Spinal degeneration and disc herniation
    Spinal degeneration and disc herniation

    Degeneration of the spine and herniated discs can compress nerves, obstruct blood flow, and result in various symptoms, including numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. If left untreated, this condition can worsen over time and occur frequently. In severe cases, it can lead to serious complications such as muscle atrophy and limb paralysis.

    Joint degeneration and arthritis
    Joint degeneration and arthritis

    Damage, inflammation, and erosion of the hand joints, foot joints, hip joints, knee joints, Etc., can cause numbness in the hands and feet and restrict mobility, especially when the patient sits or stands in one position for too long.


    Accidents, collisions, and falls can cause peripheral nerve damage, resulting in numbness and tingling in the hands and feet and limited mobility.


    Atherosclerosis narrows blood vessels, compressing the nerves that run through them and leading to numbness and tingling in the hands and feet.

    Common symptoms of Numbness of the Limb

    dau hieu

    » Tingling and pins and needles sensation in the fingertips or toes.

    » Numbness spreading from the wing of the arm down to the fingers.

    » When lying down or keeping the hands/feet in one position for a long time, there is a sensation of creeping numbness.

    » Feeling of pricking, burning sensation in the extremities.

    » Prolonged numbness causing loss of sensation in the hands and feet, most commonly experienced at night.

    » Muscle spasms in the hands and feet causing dull aching pain in the muscles.

    » Neck, shoulder, and back pain spreading to one side of the body, accompanied by numbness and tingling.

    » Numbness extending along the entire forearm, ankle, shin, and causing restricted movement.

    Dangerous complications of Numbness of the Limb

    Many people tend to underestimate or ignore the treatment of numbness and tingling in the hands and feet without realizing that it can lead to severe complications such as:

    Impaired motor function
    urinary incontinence
    Muscle atrophy
    Limb paralysis
    Tumor, cancer compressing the nervous system

    Treating numbness and tingling in the hands and feet without medication using Chiropractic




    Chiropractors use manual manipulation to realign misaligned skeletal structures or the spine, immediately relieving the pressure on the nerve roots, causing pain and numbness in the hands and feet. At the same time, it stimulates the body's self-healing mechanisms, helping it recover from tissue damage without needing medication or invasive procedures.




    In the treatment protocol, physical therapy is combined with stabilizing the skeletal structures, relaxing twisted muscle points in the hands, enhancing muscle strength and flexibility, restoring normal range of motion, and preventing the recurrence of numbness and tingling in the hands and feet.




    State-of-the-art advanced therapies, such as IV generation Laser, Shockwave therapy, electrical stimulation technology, Etc., help reduce inflammation, regenerate damaged tissue structures, accelerate the healing process, and prevent disease complications.




    An exercise system that speeds up the recovery of functions and effectively prevents disease recurrence.

    More than +20000 patients have been successfully treated at USAC Chiropractic

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